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Thursday, March 16, 2006

The Real Reason People Join Networkmarketing

The Real Reason People Join Networkmarketing

Many people sell the dream of networkmarketing or working from home. Can you imagine setting back and collecting checks for years to come? Many can and it drives them to success that most people only dream about.
Unfortunately many of these checks are driven by the networker who makes little or no money. Why do they stay or why do they hitch their dreams to another company? Is it the lure of the money? No, not really. Some people stay for the excellent products that the successful companies out there provide.
So really, what is the reason we do networkmarketing? This is deep. Ready? It is the sub-conscious need to be connected to other people. Read that again. If that doesn't click with you then you are simply not ready for the information. It's ok, you will be later. We are all connected on a soul level and that translates into a very deep sub-conscious need to be connected with other people. Many connect through church groups, school functions, neighborhood groups and so forth. Thousands of us choose to be connected through networkmarketing. I can't think of a more positive group of people to be connected with! Don't get me wrong, many of us build a great money making enterprise, but we have a deeper reason that most of us don't think about.
I will give you a great example. We had a lady in our group I will call "Alice." We had weekly trainings, opportunity meetings and bi-monthly face-to-face brainstorming sessions to build our lead lists. After working on our lists, we would call the leads in the second part of the night. Alice had a large list from our list building sessions. I never once saw Alice pick up the phone and call a lead. We worked with her, but could not get her past call reluctance. Alice faithfully attended every session for a full 3 years. I believe Alice was simply content with the positive energy connections she got from being a part of our group.
After realizing this phenomenon existed it was much easier for me to accept people who are distributor/customers. They are here for the connections to good people. Instead of expending energy being frustrated with distributors who are simply part of the team, I gladly embrace them and offer help and support when they needed it. I focus on the reps who are here for the connections And who want to build a nice business. There are thousands of Alice's out there. Love them and accept them because they are where they are supposed to be in their life's journey. When they are ready to build a business you will know it.
Mark Potes
Mark is an experienced networker who took 4 ½ years out of the industry to go to college full time with his son Eric. They both received BBA degrees from Baker College. Mark is now back in networking and has carefully chosen Xelr8 as his company of choice. To join Mark's Promasterminds ezine send a blank e-mail to